LOOK AHEAD: design to support mental health services
As part of our wider work with housing association Look Ahead Care and Support we’ve been developing materials to support its mental health services
We were asked by Look Ahead to create a publication introducing its approach to mental health recovery. There was also a need to develop a design route that could be developed in the future, when producing further collateral for mental health services. We were asked to create a design that was sensitive, positive and reflective of the personal journey that individuals undertake when experiencing and recovering from mental health conditions.
Even though strong photography features across many Look Ahead publications, it was agreed that customer photography was not the way forward in this instance due to the sensitivity of the subject matter. Therefore, we explored the use of handwriting alongside hand-drawn illustrations of pathways and nature, to give the publication a more intimate and personal feel that evoked the personal journey of recovery. This also reflected the idea that Look Ahead encourages everybody to use their life experiences and expertise to design their own support.