UK YOUTH: refreshing the look of the UK’s leading youth charity

BCHA: celebrating 50 years through 50 stories of change

EUROPEAN COMMISSION: encouraging economic growth through social innovation

BRITISH COUNCIL: sharing a vision across the world

CCLA: a new look for a charity fund manager

CABINET OFFICE: animating social investment

LOOK AHEAD: design to support mental health services

DESIGN COUNCIL: leading women discussing equality, diversity and inclusion

CCLA: creating an English garden at Hampton Court

DESIGN COUNCIL: design making life better through visual storytelling

VI-ABILITY: reenergising community sports clubs

ASHOKA SUPPORT NETWORK: a Global Summit leaving a lasting impression

ASCS: building a brand for adult social care services

DELOITTE: supporting social innovation pioneers

LOOK AHEAD: charting a 40 year journey

UNITY TRUST BANK: profile raising in the social business sector

ECT: promoting savings to the NHS

DESIGN COUNCIL: celebrating the work of legendary design director

SOCIAL ENTERPRISE ACADEMY: learning to change the world through film

ECT: launching groundbreaking toolkit for community transport sector

CCLA: designing a family garden at Chatsworth

CCLA: bringing to life 100 years of Jazz

ECT: spreading the word about why community transport matters

CENTRE FOR PUBLIC IMPACT: explaining the ‘gap’

ARCQ: launch event recognising that it’s differences that shape us

CENTRICA: capturing impact on camera

RECRUIT FOR SPOUSES: spreading the message through film

ECT: a winning team at the rugby World Cup

CARDINAL HUME CENTRE: a concert to pay tribute and raise funds

NEST: knitting shop gets new look

LIBRARIES UNLIMITED: bringing ideas and knowledge to communities

THE BOSTON CONSULTING GROUP: launching the Centre for Public Impact

YARN IN THE CITY: a guide for crafters and explorers alike

ALQUITY: telling stories of investment for good

IVAR: evaluating within UK trusts and foundations

ARCO: creating a new voice for retirement communities

BATES WELLS BRAITHWAITE: raising awareness of a city law firm with a difference

EUROPEAN COMMISSION: attracting social innovation competition entries